The deadline for orders to be shipped within
the next shipping period (Monday - Wednesday) is noon
each Saturday.
Due to contractual arrangements this will be strictly
adhered to.
With the vast growth in shipping volume, the
Herp Shop has expanded to the extent where out-sourcing
of the shipping/handling section of our operation has been
let to a private contractor. It remains within our family
and the same guaranteed quality packing and shipping will
be continued.
Two methods of shipping are available and,
unless otherwise requested, the Herp Shop will decide on
which method is used. If there is a large difference in
the rates between the two companies that we use, (Australia
Post and Fastway Couriers), you will be consulted first
if we propose to use the more expensive option.
Australia Post:
We only ship with Australia Post on Tuesdays and are
registered to use eParcel. This method is slightly dearer
than the normal parcel post but it provides a tracking
system and proof of delivery. Under Australia Post regulations,
all live insects are to be shipped express eParcel and
on their own. There is a maximum limit on the roaches
to stay within the minimum cost of the express post.
Therefore, all insects automatically go express eParcel.
All parcels with a P.O Box destination must also go
Australia Post. With the balance of the parcels, we
weigh up the quickest and, within reason, the more economical
way of getting your order to you. |
Fastway Couriers:
We ship with Fastway Couriers on Mondays and Wednesdays.
They supply the same tracking system and proof of delivery.
It is not economical to use this system for places like
inland N.S.W and parts of Qld for parcels in the lower
weight range. A responsible decision re shipping will
be made on your behalf. |
Listed prices do not include shipping/handling costs; these
will be added to your invoice.
If you have problems or questions about your order please